Many people fear dental procedures, citing discomfort and fear of surgery. Laser dentistry is less invasive, often has shorter recovery times, and allows for a more comfortable experience for the patient. Since originating in 1989, laser dentistry has become more mainstream, and dentists can use lasers for a variety of treatments. 

However, patients are often apprehensive about new ways of receiving dental treatment. Many are intrigued by the thought of less invasive procedures, but wonder, what is laser dentistry? A deeper understanding of laser dentistry and how it makes dental procedures more comfortable may help you decide if laser treatment is right for you. 


What is Laser Dentistry?

Unlike standard dentistry, laser dentistry uses lasers instead of drills to treat a variety of problems. Laser is an acronym that stands for ‘Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation’. Its use of light in a focused, narrow beam means that it can alter tissue in targeted areas.

Dentists can choose from hard or soft tissue lasers when preparing for a laser treatment. Soft and hard tissue lasers use different wavelengths. Each wavelength has a certain thermal output which affects the tissue in a specific, predictable way. However, some dental procedures require both types of lasers.

To cut through teeth, your dentist will use a hard tissue laser. Soft tissue lasers work better for gum treatments. As an added advantage, soft tissue lasers will seal blood vessels, meaning you’ll experience less bleeding and less discomfort after a procedure.

At Glebe Dental Group, our team uses Fotona Laser Systems, a laser manufacturer with over 50 years of experience. 

treatment what is laser dentistry glebe

What is Laser Dentistry Used to Treat?

The dentists at Glebe Dental Group offer laser treatment for snoring, gum reshaping, tooth fillings, root canal infections, impacted wisdom teeth, gum inflammation, and tongue tie. 

Tooth fillings, treating tooth sensitivity, and detecting cavities all use hard tissue lasers. To treat infections, gum inflammation, and to reshape your gum, your dentist will use a soft tissue laser. 

If you snore loudly regularly, you may suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). NightLase Therapy could help reduce your snoring, allowing you and your partner to sleep better. NightLase Therapy from Fotona requires three treatments over six weeks and is minimally invasive. 


Pros and Cons of Laser Dentistry 

Laser treatment often involves a shorter recovery time, requires fewer sutures, decreases chances of infection due to the sterilisation effect of the laser, and reduces bleeding. 

However, your dentist cannot use laser treatment on teeth with pre-existing metal fillings, and they may need to use a drill later to complete a procedure. Laser dentistry is also unsuitable for teeth with large areas of decay, or cavities located between teeth. Talk with your dentist to determine if you are a candidate for laser treatment.


Contact Us

If you are interested in learning more about laser dental procedures or want to see if laser dentistry is right for you, our team at Glebe Dental Group is happy to answer your questions at your check-up.

Call us on (02) 9159 6816 to book your dental exam.  



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.