Most people are likely to experience a form of periodontal disease, or gum disease, during their lifetime. However, maintaining proper oral hygiene will not only contribute to your overall oral health but help promote healthier gums and prevent dental problems such as periodontal diseases

If you have been diagnosed with a form of gum disease by your dentist, here is guidance on general oral hygiene and what you can expect from your periodontal treatment plan.


What Are Periodontal Diseases? 

Periodontal diseases are caused by infections that have spread to the gums and tooth roots. There are several forms of this gum disease, with two of the most common issues being gingivitis and periodontitis. 

Gingivitis is considered the mildest form of periodontal disease that results in severe inflammation. This early form of gum disease is caused by poor oral hygiene and, if left untreated, will progress to more severe forms of periodontal diseases.

Periodontitis disease is a serious form of gum disease that can damage gums, lead to tooth loss, and even deteriorate your jawbone. 

Without frequent brushing and flossing, a sticky film of plaque develops over teeth and gums. The plaque build-up will attack the gum tissue and the enamel on your teeth, resulting in severe gum disease and tooth decay.  


Signs and Symptoms of Periodontal Diseases

Depending on whether you have gingivitis, the earliest form of periodontal disease, or periodontitis, a more serious and mature form of gum disease, the signs and symptoms will differ. 

procedure hygiene & periodontal treatment plan glebe nsw

Signs and symptoms of gingivitis include swollen, tender gums that bleed easily, especially when brushing or flossing. You may also experience bad breath that does not leave after brushing and discomfort when chewing. 

Periodontitis symptoms typically include gums that are inflamed, red or purplish, and recede and bleed easily. Additionally, you could experience more severe symptoms such as pus between teeth and gums, new and increasing gaps between teeth, and changes in your bite. 

If you experience any of these symptoms, it’s time to see your dentist and start your periodontal treatment plan. While it’s not uncommon to experience some anxiety while visiting the dentist, the Glebe Dental Group offers treatments that can help put you at ease, such as sleep dentistry. 


Periodontal Treatment Plan

Once you have been diagnosed with gum disease, your dentist outlines your periodontal treatment plan and gets you on your way to healthier gums and a more confident smile. 

Typically, periodontal diseases can be treated by adopting healthy oral hygiene practices and seeing your dentist for regular teeth cleanings. You may need a deep cleaning, scaling and root planing if the gum disease has caused mild recession. 

In more serious cases, however, you may require dental surgery. Depending on the severity of your gum disease and how much it has affected your gums, teeth, and jawbone, this could include pocket reduction surgery, soft tissue grafts and bone grafting.  

To determine the best course of treatment, your dentist reviews your medical history and performs an oral examination to determine the extent of your infection. This may include measuring the grooves between your gums and teeth to assess your pocket depths and taking X-rays to check for bone loss in areas where you may have deeper, more concerning pocket depths. 


Get Healthier Gums and a Happier Smile with Glebe Dental Group 

If you show any signs of gum disease, now’s the time to see Glebe Dental Group for your periodontal treatment. We’ll provide you with a consultation and examination to determine the next steps to improve your gum condition and equip you with all the tools you need to maintain healthy hygiene habits and a more confident smile. Call us on (02) 9159 6816 to book your appointment today.