Despite the fact that dentists have been using dental laser treatment for many dental procedures since the 1990s, patients are often unaware of the possibilities state-of-the-art lasers can offer. Laser dentistry has several benefits over traditional dental methods, from faster treatments to minimal recovery time.


What is Laser Dentistry?

LASER stands for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation.” Laser instruments used by dental professionals create light energy in a narrow, highly-focused beam, enabling them to perform specific dental treatments with great care and precision without altering or damaging the mouth’s healthy hard or soft tissues.


What can Laser Dentistry be Used for?

Dental laser treatment is a minimally invasive, patient-friendly method of performing various oral and dental procedures, including:

  • Treating cavities and tooth decay
  • Performing gum surgery, such as reshaping
  • Teeth whitening procedures
  • Treating dental hypersensitivity 
  • Treating root canal infections
  • Frenectomy (tongue-tie) operations
  • Treating impacted wisdom teeth
  • Snoring treatment


What are the Benefits of Dental Laser Treatment?

At Glebe Dental Group, we strive to ensure our patients have access to the benefits that modern technologies have to offer, which is why we incorporate dental lasers into our clinical practice.

You can benefit from the advantages that laser dentistry has in comparison to traditional methods of performing dental treatments, including:


  • More comfortable procedures

Dental lasers eliminate the dentist’s drill’s discomfort, noise, and vibration, reducing anxiety for many patients.

  • Reduced need for anaesthetic

As in many dental procedures, laser dentistry eliminates the need for drills and scalpels, so anaesthetic is rarely needed.

This is a huge relief for patients who suffer from a fear of injections.

benefits dental laser treatment glebe
  • Less chance of infection

Lasers sterilise gums and minimise the need for hand tools, so there is less potential for bacterial infections than in traditional dentistry.


  • Limited bleeding

Lasers promote blood clotting, meaning there is often less bleeding in soft tissue treatments. This also means sutures are usually unnecessary.


  • Faster recovery

Any wounds that do appear usually heal faster than those from traditional dentistry. Tissue damage is minimal, allowing it to regenerate more rapidly.


  • Natural tooth structure is retained

During preparation for root canals, crowns, and fillings, more of the healthy tooth can be preserved, providing increased structural stability.


What Type of Lasers Does Glebe Dental Group Use?

We are proud to use laser systems by Fotona, who has over 50 years of experience in laser technology and is widely recognised as a world leader in laser dentistry. Depending on the procedure – if we will be working with soft or hard tissue- we use Fotona lasers with different wavelengths.

For gum work, soft tissue lasers are appropriate as they seal blood vessels simultaneously, leading to reduced bleeding. Hard tissue lasers are used for tooth work such as diagnosing cavities and preparing teeth for fillings.


Final Thoughts

Laser dentistry has been revolutionary for the dental industry, providing valuable alternatives for dental treatments. Not only do lasers have medical advantages, such as reduced bleeding, but they also make for a much more pleasant experience at the dentist for those that experience dental anxiety.

If you are interested in dental laser treatment, contact Glebe Dental Group at (02) 9159 6816. Our dedicated team of dental professionals are happy to answer your questions about the laser treatments we offer at our practice. 



Note: Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.